Legs are one of the most important organs that complete the aesthetic appearance of the body. The appearance of the legs becomes more important especially in the summer. While men want to have more muscular legs, women want smoother, more symmetrical and attractive legs. Most of the non-aesthetic appearances in the legs stem from genetics, malnutrition and improper exercise. Aesthetic operations for legs with advanced technologies provide permanent solutions to these problems in a short time.
What is leg aesthetics and what does it cure?
Leg aesthetics aims to correct aesthetic problems in legs. In addition to an improved aesthetic appearance, healthier legs are also achieved. The methods applied for men and women may vary according to the demands of persons, the condition of legs and recommendations of the plastic surgeon. People who have leg aesthetics gain the physical appearance they desire in addition to many advantages in their social life. With leg aesthetics, the following problems are often solved;
- Legs that is thicker or thinner than normal
- Distortion in legs
- Different thickness of the legs (non-symmetrical legs)
- Too close or distant knees
- Skin problems on legs (such as sagging and cracks)
Why do men need leg aesthetics?
Men, like women, take care of their physical appearance. In addition to physical problems, men also ask for leg aesthetics in order to have an aesthetic and stronger leg appearance. A more muscular appearance can be achieved with the help of modern methods such as removal of sagging skins, which occur due to reasons like aging, in a very short time.
How is leg aesthetics performed and why should a plastic surgeon be visited before?
Leg aesthetics should be decided after a detailed examination by a plastic surgeon. The surgeon decides on the method based on the problems identified and what the patient wants. These methods include; Removal of excess fats from legs (liposuction), tightening up and firming legs through implants and fat transfer.
NOTE: The content of the page is for informational purposes only, always consult your doctor for diagnosis and treatment